Friday 30 September 2011

Unrelated Photography Post

So life isn't ALL about dieting and worrying about your weight..

I enjoy the odd bit of photography; this is a little slideshow of a couple of my photos, not my best by any means, but they're the first ones I've loaded up. Lazy, I know.

Friday 23 September 2011

Well hey, it could be worse!

This week I have done... appallingly. 

Four days ago I returned to studying as the academic year started up again; I do study a physical course - horse management, to be precise. This involves (in the way of physical work) horse riding, yard work, horse care, heavy lifted and far, far too much walking. However, it also involved vending machines, shops, cafeterias... something I have heavily involved myself in, needless to say.

I have however managed to keep myself at the same weight, so although I have made no progress I have't gone backwards either.. which was a reflief! To say the least!

Ever feel guilty about what you eat? I'll make you feel better...this is what I have given into this week:


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Celebrating With Cheese On Toast!

Officially a week in to this dieting hoo-ha now; have dropped a grand total of 4 pounds which I was exceedingly excited about when I hopped on the scales this afternoon! That took me down to 12 stone 2, at this rate I'll need to buy a new belt (dammit, since when did dieting get so expensive???!).

Anyway, as the title of this blog post suggests, I decided to celebrate with a cheese toasty for lunch. And yes, it was good. Very, very good.

Yesterday was a struggle, I was having a bit of a grumpy/generally motivation lacking day, ate more than I'd intended to and couldn't quite convince myself to exercise. Finally, around 9.30pm the guilt really began to sit in (eating a bit too much and not exercising?!) so I got off my (fat) lazy arse and managed a total of 75 push ups, 150 crunches, 20 lunges and 20 pelvic lifts (or whatever the heck they're called), felt alot better for it! 

There are people that say 'I love working out', 'it gives me time to think', 'it keeps me sane', 'it makes me happy'..... these people are weird (and wrong, if you ask me). I HATE the working out, HATE HATE HATE it. But, I feel fantastic afterwards and, if I time it right, it gets me off to sleep alot quicker. Which, as an insomniac, I really can't complain about.

On that note.... if anyone wants to buy me the belt pictured below I'll love them forever, well, at least until I need a new one again (oh the beauty of wishful thinking).

Saturday 10 September 2011

Cheers to drunken dieting...!

When I say dieting... you realise I mean crisp and chocolate brownie eating... right?


The difficulty with drinking is that it makes you hungry, but I'm not feeling too bad; lost TWO pounds in THREE days. Is that worthy of a victory dance? Yes, I think so, do excuse me while I go execute said dance (don't worry, I'll suck my stomach in while I do so).

Keeping this little entry short for tonight (too busy hiccuping) so before I leave.. I would just like to take this moment to inform you about two things I've learnt about myself this week:

1) I much prefer pretendy push ups to real push ups 
2) I can blanket stitch whilst drunk, SCORE!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

WHY Do I Want To Lose Weight?


Well? Why? I'll tell you my reasons...

1) Self confidence and esteem - I want some!
2) Inability to fit into clothes I wore a year, two years ago
3) Lack of fitness - I want some of that too!
4) Just to PISS people OFF
5) To show people, and myself, that I CAN
6) To get my flat stomach back

How many times has someone commented on your weight, your figure, your stomach? Makes you feel crap, doesn't it. I want to be able to walk up to those people with CONFIDENCE, feeling good, fit, slim and generally ATTRACTIVE (preferably more so than them!).

To New (Slimmer) Beginnings... We Hope...


I'm FarAway, a lazy, good for nothing student residing in south England. 

The idea of this blog is really just an online diary with regards to my journey along the road to losing weight.

Hey, I'm not HUGE, don't you go thinking that. I'm 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighing in at 12 stone 6 pounds (174 pounds total), I'm a UK size 12 - 14. 

I want to follow my progress, set backs and feelings as I work my way back to be around 10 stone 10 pounds. 

SOOO... today I joined up with a free weight loss site, going to give it a shot. (

What does this site do?

Provides you with:

- Weight loss goals
- Emotional acknowledgements and targets
- An ideal weight, to meet
- Meal plans
- Exercise plans
- A community (albeit small)

What am I going to do?

Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays: 60 minutes brisk walking

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 30 minutes 'problem area' work out

A problem area work out, pray tell, WHAT is this?

Push ups, crunches (THREE different kinds of crunches, I'll have you know), lunges, pelvic lifts (oo-err).

The idea is to tone up and work on your: Thighs, upper stomach, middle chest, and bottom. 

Wrapping up this entry here... more to come on WHY I want to lose weight...well, immediately.