Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Celebrating With Cheese On Toast!

Officially a week in to this dieting hoo-ha now; have dropped a grand total of 4 pounds which I was exceedingly excited about when I hopped on the scales this afternoon! That took me down to 12 stone 2, at this rate I'll need to buy a new belt (dammit, since when did dieting get so expensive???!).

Anyway, as the title of this blog post suggests, I decided to celebrate with a cheese toasty for lunch. And yes, it was good. Very, very good.

Yesterday was a struggle, I was having a bit of a grumpy/generally motivation lacking day, ate more than I'd intended to and couldn't quite convince myself to exercise. Finally, around 9.30pm the guilt really began to sit in (eating a bit too much and not exercising?!) so I got off my (fat) lazy arse and managed a total of 75 push ups, 150 crunches, 20 lunges and 20 pelvic lifts (or whatever the heck they're called), felt alot better for it! 

There are people that say 'I love working out', 'it gives me time to think', 'it keeps me sane', 'it makes me happy'..... these people are weird (and wrong, if you ask me). I HATE the working out, HATE HATE HATE it. But, I feel fantastic afterwards and, if I time it right, it gets me off to sleep alot quicker. Which, as an insomniac, I really can't complain about.

On that note.... if anyone wants to buy me the belt pictured below I'll love them forever, well, at least until I need a new one again (oh the beauty of wishful thinking).


  1. I am finally getting a few minutes to stop by your blog and I wanted to say thanks for following my blog. I started reading yours and you are too funny. I too am trying to lose some weight(a lot)! I love your sense of humor about it. I always figured it's better to laugh, then to cry about it! Ok tell me about stones and lbs.
    We just go by lbs in the States,how do you figure out your weight system? How many ibs oer stone?
    Stop by and leave me a comment or too, would love to hear from you.
    Hugs Donna

  2. I am SO sorry for the delayed response - it's all been a bit crazy with regards to going back to studying after the holidays, being ill and so on.

    You should have a nose at the site I mentioned in my first post, it's a pretty big thing in America apparently (it's new to the UK so the UK version is a bit quiet to say the least). I don't follow every little bit of advice they have (ie. with the menu plans, but I use them as a guide line - try to stick to the suggested calorie amounts etc - I have however found a couple of fantastic recipes on there). It just gives you something to aim for, tells you when you'll meet your target weight etc, it's all very exciting! I'm set to be slim by February LOL.

    There's 14 pounds to a stone, so my start weight was 175 pounds - eeks!

    I'm coming over to have a nose at your blog now :D

